January 9, 2009

Monkey bidden

Lately I have installed GreaseMonkey and GreaseFire. This really lubes up Firefox. Lot's of cool scripts that enhance many popular sites. But the real fun started when I decided to build a script myself.
Here is the problem it solves: I often visit a page to find out about upcoming events. If something is interesting I add an entry to my Google calendar. All the data I need for this entry is there on the event info page. So lots of copy/paste here. My script now adds a button next to each event and when I click it generates the calender entry for me in a new tab. All I have to do then is press another button (save) and close the tab. Very handy, and I have a lot of events in my calender now. ;-)

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About Me

codes for a living and also in his freetime, probably for lack of a real hobby. ;-)