February 5, 2010

Mines - six months in the market

Mines, my little Minesweeper game, has been in the Android Market for six months now. And I am quite happy with its performance. It still rates above 4 out of 5 points and has been downloaded more than 20000 times. Most amazing to me is the number of active installs, which still is close to 50 percent. So more than 10000 copies are running somewhere in Android land.

The game has been rated by more than 200 people. Unfortunately, Google's Market developer site does not give access to the ratings and comments. And the Market application on the phone just shows the comments for the phone's selected language. But there are solutions to this limitation, like AndroLib.com or Cyrket.com, which allow you to access (hopefully) all comments. Cyrket just came back after having been offline for quite a while, and I was pleased to find out about my first polish comment, which did not show up on AndroLib.

I am still regularly working on the game in my sparetime, which is fun, especially with so many active users. So thanks to all the Mines users out there!

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About Me

codes for a living and also in his freetime, probably for lack of a real hobby. ;-)